How To Add Nofollow Links In WordPress

How To Add Nofollow Links In WordPress For Saving Your Link Juice?

Just a few days ago, I was thinking about passing the link juice to any website and then suddenly one thing clicked to me.

How to restrict the link juice to pass from one website to another? In other words, how to add Nofollow links in WordPress so that you don’t pass any link juice to any other website?

There are many people who write sponsored posts for a few companies and add the dofollow link so that the SEO of their own website is connected to that company.

What Is A Link Juice And How Is It Related To The SEO?

Whenever you add any link in your blog post to any other website then it means you are passing the SEO of your website to another.

That’s why it’s always recommended to pass that to your own website by adding more and more links to your older posts.

That’s what you call interlinking.

It will help you to reduce the bounce rate.

But when you decide to add a link to any external website the SEO passes which is termed as passing of the link juice.

Why Should You Add A Nofollow Tag To The External Links?

As I have mentioned earlier, you shouldn’t take any chance to conflict your SEO with any other website.

Only pass the juice to a trusted website. Otherwise, add the Nofollow link tag.

Do you know how to add Nofollow links in WordPress?

Let me show you a guide.

You just have to open the text editor after adding the link and add something inside the <a></a> tag.


Let me show you an example.

<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”> The Link </a>

As you can see, the Nofollow tag has been added. You can do that to any link you want.

A few people try to add the checkbox in the link attribute option of WordPress using a plugin. But here I have described the manual way.

Why would you want to use any plugin if you can do it without any?

As you know, it’s always recommended to use the minimum number of WordPress plugin to your website to keep the speed of your website better.

Can You Now Add Nofollow Tag To Any Link?

The choice is yours. Whether you choose the dofollow tag or the NoFollow tag.

Most of the people don’t want to pass any kind of SEO link juice to any other website until and unless they have a strong reason.

So what about you? Are you going to add the Nofollow tag to your links? Will you use any plugin or try the manual way?

If you still have any problem, feel free to clear your doubts.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    This is such a great and thankfully simple explanation of the dofollow vs nofollow.

    I’m still a bit confused about WHEN to us nofollow.

    Seems like it’s when you send an outbound link to a website you don’t fully trust, but I wonder why you’d do that anyway.

    I guess this is something people think about more when they’re doing a lot of sponsored posts ??

    So WordPress is set up to automatically make links dofollow?

    We only have to alter that code if we want to use nofollow it seems.


    you’ve intrigued me into trying this using your simple guideline here.



    1. Hey Donna,

      According to Matt Cutts, you should add the nofollow tag if you don’t trust any website or you find it difficult to consider as valuable.

      It discourages the spammers which is an awesome thing. Google bots don’t crawl the nofollow links. It means that you are telling them to leave them as they are.

      But the links will show in the search results because only you have unfollowed those links.

      For sponsored posts, its the matter of choice.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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